| Harold "Chuck" Foster
1978 - Track/Cross Country - Navajo
DATE OF BIRTH: May 2, 1952
- BIRTH PLACE: Fort Defiance, Arizona
- TRIBE: Navajo
- EDUCATION: Central Arizona College, Coolidge, Arizona
- SPORTS DATA: Track and Cross Country
- Varsity Track letterman, Central Arizona College, 1971-1973
- Varsity Cross-Country letterman, Central Arizona College, 1971-1973
- Arizona Community College Athletic Conference Champion for 3-mile, 1972-1973
- Arizona Community College Athletic Conference Champion for 1-mile, 1973
- Arizona Community College Athletic Conference Cross-Country Champion, 1971-
1972 finishing 5th and 3rd in the nation
- Named to second team position on the All-American Cross-Country of the NJCAA
for the year 1971
- Named to first team position on the All-American Cross-Country of the NJCAA for
the year 1972
- Central Arizona College record holder in 880 yard, 1- mile, 2-mile, and 3-mile
events with the fastest time in the nation for a Junior College in 1973
QUOTES: George Young, Track Coach
- "While attending school, he was the Arizona Community College Athletic conference Cross Country Champion in 1971 and 1972, finishing 5th and 3rd in the nation. This earned him All-American honors for both years."