| Jackson Sundown
1994 - Rodeo - Nez Perce
DATE OF DEATH: December 18, 1923
- TRIBE: Nez Perce, Jackson Sundown was from the Wallowa band and nephew to Chief Joseph.
At age 14, he was with Chief Joseph in the famous Nez Perce War of 1877.
- EDUCATION: Unknown
- SPORTS DATA: Rodeo - Bronc Rider
- Pendleton Round-Up, Pendleton, Oregon, captured the World championship in
Bronc Riding at age 53, 1916
- First and only full-blood Indian ever to win a major rodeo championship
- Listed in Who’s Who in Rodeo
- Inducted in Pendleton Round-Up Hall of Fame
COMMENTS: ‘Lewiston Roundup Org.’
- "Jackson was entering rodeo events in Canada and Idaho. Tall, lean and handsome, he soon became a favorite of the crowds. He wore his hair in braids beneath his chin, and bright colored shirts. ..By 1914, Waaya-Tonah-Toesits-Kahn was having so much success as an all-around rider, other cowboys were pulling out, refusing to ride against him. He began to give demonstrations using the name Buffalo Jackson. Sundown would often stay on horses and bulls until they came to a stop, and stock contractors began to remove their animals from competitions. Once ridden by Sundown, some animals would never buck again."