| James Aron Ingram
1989 - Baseball - Chickasaw
DATE OF BIRTH: July 16, 1939
- BIRTH PLACE: Enville, Oklahoma
- TRIBE: Chickasaw
- EDUCATION: Bacone College, Muskogee, Oklahoma
Oklahoma Christian College, Oklahoma City,Oklahoma
- SPORTS DATA: Baseball, Track and Field, Basketball
- 1958-1960 - Bacone College:
National Honor Award, First Team, All-American Baseball Squad of National Junior College Athletic Association. Baseball, All- Conference selection - First Team. Baseball, All-Star selection - Regional Tournament. Track and Field, First Place -440 yard dash -Oklahoma Junior College Conference Meet. Tied Conference Record. Track and Field, First Place - 440 yard dash - Regional Junior Collge Track Meet. Basketball, Varsity Letterman.
- 1961-63 - Oklahoma Christian College
1963 Established school records in half-mile, one-mile, two-mile, mile relay, sprint medley, and distance medley; received Outstanding Athlete Award in Track and Field.
1973 Honored with award of plaque at Oklahoma Christian College 10th Annual Relays as School Record Holder – 880 run, Mile Run, 2 mile run, Sprint Medley, and Distance Medley.
QUOTE: 1960 College Paper
- "Personality of the Week is James Aron Ingram, a tall, dark, and handsome Chickasaw from Ardmore, Oklahoma. Active and outstanding in sports, he considers baseball to be his favorite. In addition to being President of the ‘B’ Club, he has twice been elected Student Senate Representative. . . His ambitious and industrious mind revolves around chemistry teaching as a goal. Because of his congenial character and friendly disposition success is practically accomplished."