| Virgil Franklin
1985 - Boxing - Arapaho/Kiowa
DATE OF BIRTH: April 10, 1928
DATE OF DEATH: January 5, 1998
- BIRTH PLACE: Lawton, Oklahoma
- TRIBE: Arapaho/Kiowa
- EDUCATION: Riverside Indian School, Anadarko, Oklahoma
Chilocco Indian School, Oklahoma
Murray State College, Tishomingo, Oklahoma
- SPORTS DATA: Boxing/Football/Baseball/Track
- In 118 pound class, winner of Southwest Oklahoma Golden Gloves and Oklahoma State AAU Boxing Tournament Titles, and Semifinalist in 56th annual national AAU Championships tournament, Boston, Massachusetts - 1944
- In 126 pound class, winner of Southwest Oklahoma Golden Gloves, Oklahoma State Golden Gloves, and Oklahoma State AAU Boxing Tournament titles - 1945
- Winner of National Golden Gloves Championship, 126 pound class, Chicago
Tournament of Champions, Chicago, Illinois, March 10, 1945
- Winner of 57th Annual national AAU Boxing Championships Tournament, 126 pound class, held at Boston, Massachusetts, April 3, 1945
- In US Navy - winner of Featherweight Division Southwest Pacific Title in Marianas Island, and All Armed Forces Title in Philippine Islands - 1946
- Excelled in Boxing - Four sport letterman at all three schools
he attended.
- Chilocco Indian School - Winner All Indian Boxing Tourney, Muskogee,
Oklahoma; Delta Bowl Events, Memphis, Tennessee; mayor’s Christmas
Tree Fund, Wichita, Kansas; and Oklahoma State AAU Boxing Tournament
Championship, Anadarko, Oklahoma - 1947
- Murray State College - Winner Tri-State Boxing Tourney, St. Louis, Missouri, and
Oklahoma State AAU Boxing Tournament Championship, Ardmore,
Oklahoma - 1948
QUOTE: The Daily Oklahoman
- "Mighty Feather is big inspiration to Gloves mates."